The purpose of this information text on the protection and processing of personal data is to Myliba LTD. (“Myliba”) to inform you about your visit and use of the website within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”).

You can examine our process in detail under the following headings.


Obtaining Your Personal Data

Your personal data is obtained through automatic or partially automatic methods in digital environments through the website.

The documents you physically transmit are obtained by non-automatic methods.

These acquisitions are made through methods such as entering the website and filling out forms.

Your Personal Data Processed, Purposes of Processing and Legal Reasons

Website Visit: During your visit to the website, your traffic information such as IP Address and connection time are processed. This information of yours is processed for the purposes of carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation, creating and tracking visitor records, carrying out information security processes and carrying out storage and archive activities, as it is clearly stipulated in the laws specified in KVKK 5/2a.

Individual Membership and Usage Your identity, communication, customer transaction, transaction security and other records you add, transmitted directly by you or automatically processed by the system during your membership and use of Myliba; It is processed based on the user agreement you signed for the establishment and execution of the contract within the scope of KVKK 5/2c, for the purposes of information security, execution of the service sales process, operation and storage activities. Corporate Membership and Usage During corporate membership to Myliba, the identity, communication, legal proceedings and information regarding the company the representative of the company representative who becomes a corporate member are collected for the purposes of information security, execution of the service sales process, execution of accounting and finance processes, operation and storage activities, in accordance with KVKK 5. It is processed based on the corporate user agreement you signed for the establishment and execution of the contract within the scope of /2c. In addition, in case of corporate memberships of sole proprietorship companies, invoice records are also processed due to legal obligations in order to carry out finance and accounting processes. However, Myliba is only a data processor for the members, employees and other persons for whom the company has authorized and opened accounts within the scope of corporate membership, and the relevant company is the data controller. The relevant data controller is solely responsible for the processing of personal data within this scope. Participation in Training and Certificate Programs Participants applying for training and certificate programs will be provided with customer transaction information, including identity, communication, professional experience and training program, and transaction security records, for the purposes of executing the service sales process, executing accounting and finance processes, and carrying out operation and storage activities, pursuant to KVKK 5/ It is processed based on the service contract for the establishment and execution of the contract within the scope of Article 2c. Request-Complaint Tracking and Communication The issues, requests and complaints you notify us through the contact form, e-mail and other channels on the Myliba website, together with your identity and contact information; Data processing is mandatory for the establishment or protection of a right stipulated in KVKK Art. 5/2e for the purposes of carrying out after-sales support services, tracking requests / complaints, and carrying out storage and archive activities, and the fundamental basis of the relevant person in KVKK Art. 5/2f. It is processed because data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the rights and freedoms of the data controller. Marketing Processes: If you want to receive commercial electronic messages from Myliba or receive information about campaigns and promotions, your identity, e-mail address, telephone number, communication channel and communication permission information; It is processed based on your express consent as stipulated in KVKK Article 5/1, for the purposes of carrying out advertising/campaign processes, communication activities, marketing processes of products and services, marketing analysis studies and storage activities. The explicit consent you give in this context includes an approval regarding the reception of commercial electronic messages within the scope of Law No. 6563. You can always withdraw your explicit consent.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your personal data may be transferred to the relevant authorities upon request within the framework of KVKK Article 28/1, without any obligation to inform and without your explicit consent. Apart from this, in unforeseen cases, your personal data may be transferred to public institutions (administrative authorities such as Ministries) specified in the law, if requested, in cases clearly stated in the law, within the purposes and limitations stipulated in the law.

Your personal data is transferred to our data storage suppliers for safe hosting and backing up, except for our legal obligations that do not require clarification and do not require your explicit consent. Since the servers of our hosting supplier are located in Frankfurt, Germany, the personal data of users residing in Turkey are transferred abroad within the scope of the explicit consent given under KVKK Article 9/1 during member registration.

While using Myliba, you can share personal data with other users at your own request. Transfers within this scope are your responsibility. Myliba only provides infrastructure for these transactions.

If you provide communication consent, your identity, contact and approval information regarding this consent may be notified to the relevant public authorities when necessary, as it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation in KVKK Article 5/2ç in order to carry out the activities in accordance with the legislation.

If you are a member, you can manage the communication consents you have previously given from your profile.

Kişisel Verilerinizle İlgili Haklarınız

İlgili kişiler kişisel verilerine ilişkin haklarını kullanmak için öncelikle veri sorumlusuna başvurmak zorundadırlar. Kanunun 14’üncü maddesine göre Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu’na doğrudan şikâyette bulunulamaz.

Kanun uyarınca kişisel verilerinizle ilgili Kişisel veri işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme, Kişisel verileriniz işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme, Kişisel verilerinizin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme, Yurt içinde veya yurt dışında kişisel verilerinizin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişileri bilme, Kişisel verilerinizin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması hâlinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme, İşlenmesini gerektiren sebeplerin ortadan kalkması hâlinde kişisel verilerinizin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini isteme, Düzeltme ve silme işlemlerinin, kişisel verilerinizin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme, İşlenen verilerinizin münhasıran otomatik sistemler vasıtasıyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle aleyhinize bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme, Kişisel verilerin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğramanız hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme Haklarınızı veri sorumlusuna yani bize başvurarak kullanabilirsiniz.

       (i) compliance with statutory disclosures to public authorities;

       (ii) compliance with archiving obligations.

(b) Conclusion or performance of a contract with you.

(c) Protection of rights and interests protected by law, particularly in respect of resolution of any and all disputes, particularly for the purpose of court or other disputes.

Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Yöntemi 

Başvurunuzu Maslak Mah. AOS 55 SK. 42 MASLAK Plaza B Blok No:4 İç Kapı:542 PK: 34398 Sarıyer/İstanbul adresine yazılı olarak veya sistemlerimizde size ait görünen e-posta adresinizi kullanarak adresine e-posta göndererek gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.

Başvuru yapılırken uyulması gereken usul ve esaslar hakkındaki daha detaylı bilgiye Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu’nun Veri Sorumlusuna Başvuru Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Tebliğ” ile ulaşabilirsiniz.

(a) customer care; these are activities that do not stand for performance of a contract or another legal framework of personal data processing, and include the following: (i) market research;(ii) monitoring of client actions on our Company’s website in connection with the offered services;

(b) offering of products and services; in particular, this includes distribution of information, offering of products and services of our Company and other parties, including product and service offers targeted at particular clients, all via various channels, such as by mail, electronic means (including electronic mail and messages sent to mobile devices via a telephone number), or by telephone, via a website. To a certain extent, in these cases, our Company is also entitled to offer products and services to clients without obtaining their consent; if implied by the law, you will be informed in this regard about your right to express your disagreement with any further offering of products or services. In this regard, your personal data may also be forwarded to third parties for the purpose of distribution of information and offering of products and services of such third parties. More details are provided below in these Principles.

Term of Personal Data Processing 

Our Company processed personal data of clients only for a time necessary with regard to the purpose of processing. From time to time we evaluate existence of the need to process certain personal data required for a particular purpose. Once we detect that the data are no longer required for any of the purposes, for which they have been processed, we destroy the data. However, in respect of certain purposes of personal data processing, we have internally evaluated the usual term of usability of personal data, after expiration of which we most carefully assess the need to process such personal data for the particular purpose.

Recipients of Personal Data 

Your personal data are made available particularly to our Company’s employees in connection with performance of their professional duties requiring work with personal data of clients, however only to an extent necessary in the particular case and in compliance with all security measures.

In addition, your personal data are disclosed to third parties participating in the processing of personal data of our Company’s clients, or, such personal data may be made available to them on other grounds in line with the law. Before any disclosure of your personal data to a third party, we always enter into a written agreement with the third party to stipulate the processing of personal data in a way to contain the same warranties in respect of personal data processing as adhered to by our Company in line with its statutory obligations.

(a) In accordance with applicable legislation, our Company is entitled, or directly, without your consent, obliged to disclose your personal data to:

(I) relevant state authorities, courts and law enforcement authorities for the purpose of performance of their obligations and for the purpose of enforcement of judgment;

(II) other parties to an extent stipulated by legislation, such as to third parties for the purpose of collection of our receivables from clients.

(b) Subject to your consent entitling us to dispose with information representing the personal data to the relevant extent, we also disclose your personal data to Myliba LTD. for the purpose of distribution of information, offering of products and services of our Company, protection of rights and interests of our Company and customer care.

Transfer of Personal Data to Foreign Countries 

Your personal data is processed by our provider, whose servers are located on German soil, and transferred to other countries where the European Union are seated and shares the same standard of personal data protection as the EU (eg.UK, Switzerland).

Company as a processor of personal data 

In certain cases, our Company also handles client personal data by authorization of another party (another controller). In terms of members, employees and other persons authorized and opened by the company processed within the scope of corporate membership, Our Company is only the data processor and the relevant company is the data controller. The relevant data controller is exclusively responsible for the processing of personal data within this scope. For detailed information, it is always necessary to contact the particular administrator (Company the data controller) of personal data, unless our Company is authorized to provide information in the particular case.

Your Right to Ask for Access to Personal Data and Rights 

If you ask us for information related to the processing of your personal data, we will provide you with all information about the data we process about you without undue delay. For providing this information, we are entitled to claim reasonable compensation of cost incurred in order to provide the information.If you find out or think that our Company or a third party participating in the processing of data processes your personal data in conflict with the protection of your private life and/or in conflict with the law, in particular if your personal data are inaccurate, you may:

(a) request explanation from our Company or the third party participating in the processing of data;

(b) request remedy of the defective state; in particular, you may request correction or amendment of the personal data; if needed, the data will be temporarily blocked or destroyed.

If we find your request legitimate, our Company or the third party participating in the processing of data will remove the defective state free of charge and immediately.

Contact Information

Myliba LTD

Suite E2631, 82a James Carter Road,

Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7DE

United Kingdom