• What are OKR?
    OKRs is an abbreviation for "Objectives and Key Results". We translate it into Turkish as "Targets and Success Criteria". The “Objective” -  that is, the “Target”; is the definition of the goal to be achieved. A good goal has a clear definition that motivates. Destinations can be thought of as a destination on a map. They are the answer to what you want to do. “Key Results” - that is, “Success Criteria”, are a means of navigation that defines the start, the route and the end, reminds you of the distance to your destination and the routes forward. It includes different strategies and numerical metrics. A well-defined “Success Criteria” will show how close you are to the goal and if you are on the right track. Finally, there is the third part of the OKRs, which is defined as “Initiative”, which we define as actions within myliba. While this last step is not given in many OKRs definitions, it is actually the most important cornerstone of the system. It is the section where you plan your daily and weekly steps to reach the destination determined in the target and which you aim to reach in the success criteria, and where you determine your action steps towards your strategy.
  • Is there a difference between OKRs and KPIs?
    The second part of OKRs, the Success Criteria, and the KPI structure are only similar to each other on one point, but they are most often confused by this single similarity. So, before going into the differences between OKRs and KPIs, let's highlight the only common points. Both are numerical metrics used to show the distance to the target. The most important difference of the success criteria is that while the KPIs show you the distance you have to go to in miles, or how much fuel you have left, as in a car indicator that you follow, the Success Criteria shows the different routes to be taken and the differences between these routes, like a source of navigation.
  • Which sectors should OKRs be used for?
    OKRs is a collaborative goal setting protocol for companies, teams and individuals. In addition to being used by many successful technology companies, especially Intel, it is a system that has proved its success in a range of different sectors from automotive, telecommunications and food to foundations and associations. In addition, it is used by professionals the world over in achieving individual success.
  • What do OKRs bring for me?
    The most basic condition for success is a good plan and the hard work to achieve the goal. OKRs provide you with a framework for planning, seeing and managing your progress, keeping your motivation to work and gaining the support of others. They provide an opportunity both for you to gain support and approval by sharing your own goals with others, and for you to see the goals of others and harmonize your own goals. This sharing and alignment with your individual or business goals allows you to see and manage expectations.
  • How should OKRs be used individually and institutionally?
    In order to use OKRs as an individual, you must first have a goal you want to achieve. At myliba we have divided this into two profiles, so you can balance your life by separating your focus on your work/ life balance. On the other hand, you can use it for a single profile. If OKRs are used in institutions, we would recommend the following steps. 1- Start to manage your corporate culture, determine whether your institution has a cultural structure suitable for OKR by conducting studies into areas such as corporate culture, loyalty and satisfaction . You may use myliba analytics for this. According to the results of the analysis, institutions designated to be in the "Democratic Culture", "Developing Culture" or "Confidence Culture" level are ready to use OKRs. 2- Gift your employees the Myliba app. Have them receive training on how to use individual OKRs. They only need to learn to use OKRs once. They are now also available for corporate OKRs. 3- In order to realize your corporate vision, write down your peak goals for the next three months. At the end of the week and quarter, set at least one success indicator (Key Results) for each of your peak targets to see how far you have come and how close you are to the target. Enter your goals and success indicators into Myliba Corporate. Publish your OKR by sharing it with all your stakeholders and ensure that each contributor contributes and focuses on the goal…
  • Is your target audience an institution or an individual?
    Both individuals and institutions can use Myliba. This is because we have already aimed to ensure that individuals may manage their own performance, and it follows that institutions are made up of individuals. There are two separate profiles in Myliba, one being a personal profile and the other being the career profile. If your company decides to use Myliba as a performance system, it only sees the individual goals and actions module in your career profile. No one else can see your personal profile.
  • If my company buys Myliba corporate, can they access their data?
    No, your company cannot access your data. After your company subscribes to Myliba, it can only share its corporate goals with you. You see these corporate goals in your Career profile. If you connect your own goals and actions to the company's goals, you are then committed to the company's goals and your company will see these goals and actions. It can only report on targets and actions which you have linked. The same situation applies to other inventory and tests. So, you are in total control.
  • How can I benefit from inventory and tests?
    In order to open inventory and tests, you must first collect points by using the objectives and actions modules. At that point, one of the areas where you can use your points becomes active as inventory and tests.